safam kodesh- the titles for these blog posts
1 tevet 5782
i don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the titles of my blog posts have some words that are hard to pronounce. yup, that’s right, they are Hebrew (well, Hebrew words ‘transliterated’ into the English alphabet…).
i actually put a good amount of thought into what i want to title these blog posts. the Hebrew words are not the direct translation of the English blog post but they are references to something jewish be it a quote form the tanakh, chasidut, kabbalism, or aggadah. sometimes they’re just puns because i love puns (lots of jews love puns).
in my ideal world people would google these words and try to figure out what the references are because they’re pretty clever and offer some nice niche insights into parts of jewish culture.
so now
that you’ve read this, come on, give it a try. don’t you like a little extra
layer of word games and literary references in your tea blogs? feel free
comment for hints if you aren’t able to find the connection.
atzei besamim
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