kvelling- the generosity of strangers

12 tevet 5782

the reason i joined discord was to have a good platform to buy second hand tea. i soon discovered the world of trading tea and find it one of the most enriching parts of being on discord. it supports some of the values i care about most. it encourages sharing, building community, education through first hand drinking experience, and it create solidarity among tea lovers and provides other means of accessing tea besides retailers. if this weren't enough, a big part of the tea community i am finding is honest generosity. not always, but most of the time, when people send me things they always include a little extra something. this is a practice i love and try to do my self. besides some nice added gifts, i have come across some very generous individuals who have sent me small portions of tea that are out of my price range or aren't available for purchase anymore. i am guessing many of these people who are comfortable in their financial stability and have a good supply of quality tea. i am also guessing that they do this because it brings them joy to share and to be able to help others enjoy great tea especially if those others aren't always able to drink amazing tea. i found this all very beautiful and heartwarming. 

i also like the believe that these gifts to me can be shared in multiple ways. by others giving me a chanceto try more YQH or other fancy teas, i can be a more well informed tea drinker and that will only make my blog a better more well informed resource for others. that is the main point of this blog. i like to learn and i love to share what i learn. to me, the main point of gaining knowledge is to be able to share it with others and offer resources to enrich others' lives. 

i do try to share what i can with my physical means and am excited to share more with others in the future as a become more financially stable. i want to be like those people who are sharing wonderful tea with me. tea is meant for drinking and the more that can enjoy it the better. we do not have to worry about the rising prices of gushu or other quality tea because we have each other to turn to. for the time being, i hope the documenting of my tea journeys can benefit others.

i will conclude with more corny sentiments mostly to help myself: .do not worry about fomo or rising tea prices. those who have good tea will share. there is plenty of great tea out there to drink and there will continue to be.


atzei besamim

