yasher koach- the LP hook up

16 adar 5781

after my previous post, i want to rebound with something more positive. instead of sharing my frustrations about a certain vendor, i want to give a shout out to a vendor i really appreciate. 

LiquidProust is part vendor and part hobbyist. LP is also one of the more modern tea vendors. he uses instagram a lot for promotion and has a discord channel (channel? thread? group? i don’t know, im out of the loop). although we are both millenials, he is way more modern where i am here writing a blog like its 2008. also, gotta give LP props for posting a beautiful shot of a Taco Bell taco with a Dayi 7542 cake in the background. i showed this to my boo and we were joking how its basically us; she is the taco bell to my tea.

something i really appreciate about LP is how much he seems to genuinely care about contributing to the community of people in Amerika who love puer and helping people learn about tea at affordable prices. keep an eye out in november where he offers a great package for people new to puer for only $5. he also does a yearly sheng olympiad where he picks a theme and creates packages dedicated to that theme at a very affordable price. and when that's not happening, he has an all year option on his website that is called 'The LP Hookup.' it's $20 and he sends you a slew of things, partially catered to what you like (if you buy more, he will up the quality).

i just got my hook up this past week and i am very happy. there was a butt load of stuff in it including some bags of loose cake shake leftover from a bing and some mystery samples where he doesnt even remember what they are. sure, this might sound tacky, but i have no problem with it considering how much i got for $20. plus, i also find the random odds and ends funny and pretty endearing. i got 9 different teas total, and sure, a good amount are duds, but one of them is the best tea ive had in a while (which i will definitely write about in the future), and i havent even tried them all yet.


atzei besamim

mystery teas
