netunei atek- TeakTok ThirsTeaTrap
3 adar 5781
i am writing a blog in 2021. this would make sense if it were 2004 and this was on livejournal, but it is not. if i truly want people to see this content, a blog is not the best place for it. i should be on instagram, snapchat, discord. i should be on TikTok making bad jokes about ThirsTeaTraps (it's a thirst trap joke) and getting 'tea drunk' to Maroon 5 (gag). (un)fortunately, that's not who i am.
i dont like screens. i try be on the internet as little as possible. i have a flip phone. yes, i do, and ive never had a smart phone and i want to keep it that way.
i want to be in the tea community and to have people read this blog, but i really dont like using social media. it gives me (more) anxiety. plus, screens make my head hurt. i do a little on reddit but that's as much as i can take. also, i dont like buying things online. i am lucky enough that i live pretty close to seattle and it is very easy for me to drive to a small handful of excellent tea shops. and that is what i want to be doing but i cant right now because of covid.
lots of people in the tea community are thriving on the internet and are really enjoying how all these platforms are able to connect so many people. that is great. sadly, i am missing out on that and that is my loss, but thats just how its gonna be. there might be some other low-tech people out there who still care about blogs, and if that is you then thank you for reading this and hopefully you enjoy it.
like many, i cannot wait for covid to be over. i want to drink tea with people in person. i want to go to tea shops and sit at the tea table and talk to strangers and try teas.
i have also been trapped at home for 4 days because of snow and am getting stir crazy (and have been on the internet too much...). here are some more pretty pictures of where i am.
atzei besamim
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