ta’avat geev’ote- 2003 cnnp high mountain from puerh shop
21 tevet 5781
after the previous samples (1 & 2) i tried from, Puerh Shop i was getting pessimistic about the teas and also about my own knowledge of how to distinguish between a tea’s quality and my quality as a tea drinker. thankfully, i liked this sample more.
it is not super flavorful, but has more discernable flavors. there is that familiar puer ‘leathery’ taste, a pleasant smokiness, some mushroom flavor, and some nice earthiness. it also has a little more thickness and coating of the mouth, not much, but more than the previous 7542’s. the listing says it is from the Bulang region so i will have to see if other Bulang cakes share some of these same flavors (ie: earthy and smoky).
the PS website says it was aged in Kunming for 10 years and im guessing this was natural/dry storage. the broth is darker than the 1998 7542 which makes me more confident that the 1998 might not be from 1998 (or it has just been kept in very dry conditions). the pictures don’t do a good job of showing that, but it was something i was paying attention to.
the qi with this tea is more of the stimulating variety. i feel it concentrated in the center of my chest around my heart and it does give me a hefty amount of zip and some smiles. my body feels energized but it doesn’t feel focused. this is a tea where if i drink too much i will start knocking things over while im pouring. it also makes me a little spacey, but not in a horrible way. it might be nice to drink while spacing out on a pretty day (but i don’t usually drink aged puer on pretty days) or in the company of someone you are close with and don’t mind awkward silences.
this does give me a reference for my desire to better understand shelf fatigue and how it might or might not affect qi. this tea has more flavor than the 7542’s so i still do not know if the 7542 samples are dried out or just plain bland. if these samples are all equally dried out, even after living for a month in a humidified tupperware, then this one still having noticeable qi makes me think that the 7542’s lack of qi is an inherent quality in them and not in my imperceptiveness. so there, harumph (gotta miantain that fragile ego).
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