kach l'cha samim- weed and tea pt. 1

 3 kislev 5782

its finally happening. i am writing a post about weed and tea. it’s been a long time coming. ive wanted to write this so long ago but i thought i should have some more ‘respectable’ content on this blog first. it’s the same idea as when you don’t show your true self until the 3rd date date but that is not my style. either you like me now or you don’t. this is what youre gonna get so get used to it. let's get that out of the way quick.

there is a lot to talk about regarding this topic and this will probably be the first of multiple posts. the first thing i want to start off with hearkens back to my previous posts. tea is a plant. it has a lot of noticeable affects on our bodies including immediate ones and ones we don’t see right off the bat (ie: naturally occurring vitamins and minerals etc. those phytochemicals affect our blood sugar or glucose levels or other scientific things i don’t understand and produce different reactions or sensations in our bodies). there are lots of plants that we can interact with in this way. there are other plants, with or without caffeine, that make us feel energized. there are other plants that we can make tasty drinks out of. there are other plants with antioxidants and other health benefits. so what sets weed and tea apart?

weed is plant that has more phytochemical benefits besides THC. and no, this post is not going to be talking about the wonders of CBD. sorry not sorry. like tea, the effects of weed are pretty easy to detect (putting aside the finer points of ‘qi’ for now). i believe this is why these plants, tea and weed (and coffee) are so popular. their affects are very easy to feel. you do not have to wait, or meditate, or use a microscope. the ‘high’ of weed and tea can be felt pretty instantly. their affects are very accessible. they are both good gateway drugs (hehe) into the world of plant medicine. like i said in a previous posts, there is a whole world of plants out there we can interact with for culinary and medicinal reasons.  

the other major thing i want to talk about in this post is the ‘qi’ of weed and tea. qi and caffeine are not the same in tea. just because one tea gets you super litty or zooted does not mean it has supper amazing qi. tea’s qi includes other ways the tea interacts with your body besides a caffeine high. the tea’s qi, in my opinion, is also related to the quality of those feelings the tea gives you. as i have previously written, i am no qi expert and many believe that not all tea has ‘qi’ and only the really good teas do. my personal view on ‘qi’ and plant energetics is that all plants have ‘qi.’ period. it just differs in how it presents itself and to what degree.

here is the example i like to talk about most. i live in a state where weed is legal (yay). when i first started going to the weed store, i would buy cheap weed because im a cheap bitch. it was weed, it gets you high, whatever. my bff buys pesticide free weed because the other ones would make her feel shitty. weed is pretty cheap here and i can afford weed without pesticides sprayed all over it before i take a big inhale of it into my lungs. sure, i’ll pesticide free weed a try. and now, i only buy pesticide free weed. (there’s no ‘tea rinse’ equivalent for weed pesticides that i know of…).

independent of the pesticides, the more expensive weed is better. shocker. but i don’t just mean it gets you more stooooonedddd maaaaaaaaan. the high is better. it lasts longer, it feels smoother, i don’t don’t get headaches, i don’t wake up feeling groggy, and i don’t feel super zonked on the come down. the fancier weed has better qi.

the same goes for tea. there are some teas which give me a big caffeine rush, but that rush can make me jittery or scattered. conversely, there are teas that make me feel not only energized, but awake. and the energy they give me is focused. other teas can make me feel happy or playful. some teas make me feel grounded or centered. there’s some puers where i wake up the next day and i slept very well and my stomach feels good. these teas each carry a different qi and that qi presents itself in different ways. 

there is much more to go into with this topic. daily drinkers/smokers vs fancy weekend sessions. strains vs varieties. and so on and so on.

well, that’s all this time for my comparisons of weed and tea. stay tuned for future posts where i reveal such mind shattering information like the fact that beatnicks used to call weed ‘tea.’ faaaar outtttt.


atzei besamim

